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The Steppenwolf - 1968 Steppenwolf
The Steppenwolf - 1968 Steppenwolf
The Steppenwolf - 1968 The Second
The Steppenwolf - 1968 The Second
The Steppenwolf - 1969 At Your Birthday Party
The Steppenwolf - 1969 At Your Birthday Party
The Steppenwolf - 1969 Monster
The Steppenwolf - 1969 Monster
The Steppenwolf - 1970 Live
The Steppenwolf - 1970 Live
The Steppenwolf - 1970 Steppenwolf 7
The Steppenwolf - 1970 Steppenwolf 7
The Steppenwolf - 1971 For Ladies Only
The Steppenwolf - 1971 For Ladies Only
The Steppenwolf - 1974 Slow Flux
The Steppenwolf - 1974 Slow Flux
The Steppenwolf - 1975 Hour of the Wolf
The Steppenwolf - 1975 Hour of the Wolf
The Steppenwolf - 1976 Skullduggery
The Steppenwolf - 1976 Skullduggery
The Steppenwolf - 1987 Rock & Roll Rebels
The Steppenwolf - 1990 Rise & Shine
The Steppenwolf - 1991 The Best of Steppenwolf
The Steppenwolf - 2003 Live In Concert
The Steppenwolf - 2004 Live In Louisville




The Steppenwolf

The Steppenwolf

1968 - Steppenwolf

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Sookie Sookie 3:09
. 2 Everybody's Next One 2:53
. 3 Berry Rides Again 2:45
. 4 Hootchie Kootchie Man 5:07
. 5 Born To Be Wild 3:28
. 6 Your Wall's Too High 5:40
2 1 Desperation 5:35
. 2 The Pusher 5:43
. 3 A Girl I Knew 2:38
. 4 Take What You Need 3:28
. 5 The Ostrich 5:43

LP (Dunhill 50029) / Spilletid 46:09

Cover kvalitet: God (Lille udsalgs hul)

1968 - Steppenwolf

Nummer Titel Tid Video
1 Sookie Sookie 3:09 .
2 Everybody's Next One 2:53 .
3 Berry Rides Again 2:45 .
4 Hootchie Kootchie Man 5:07 .
5 Born To Be Wild 3:28 4:3
6 Your Wall's Too High 5:40 .
7 Desperation 5:35 .
8 The Pusher 5:43 .
9 A Girl I Knew 2:38 .
10 Take What You Need 3:28 .
11 The Ostrich 5:43 .

Spilletid 46:09

1968 - The Second

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Faster Than The Speend Of Life 3:13
. 2 Tighten Up Your Wig 3:07
. 3 None Of Your Doing 2:53
. 4 Spiritual Fantasy 3:43
. 5 Don't Step On The Grass, Sam 5:43
2 1 28 3:12
. 2 Magic Carpet Ride 4:30
. 3 Disappointment Number (Unknown) 4:38
. 4 Lost And Found By Trial And Error 2:20
. 5 Hodge, Podge, Strained Through A Leslie 2:42
. 6 Resurrection 3:43
. 7 Reflections 1:30

LP (Dunhill DS-50037) / Spilletid 41:14

LP kvalitet: OK / Cover kvalitet: OK / Købt brugt for 28,- kr. (Plademesse i Odense)

1968 - The Second

Nummer Titel Tid Video
1 Faster Than The Speend Of Life 3:13 .
2 Tighten Up Your Wig 3:07 .
3 None Of Your Doing 2:53 .
4 Spiritual Fantasy 3:43 .
5 Don't Step On The Grass, Sam 5:43 .
6 28 3:12 .
7 Magic Carpet Ride 4:27 4:3
8 Disappointment Number (Unknown) 4:52 .
9 Lost And Found By Trial And Error / Hodge, Podge, Strained Through A Leslie / Resurrection 7:51 .
10 Reflections 0:43 .

CD (MCA Records MCD31021) / Spilletid 39:44

1969 - At Your Birthday Party

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Don't Cry 3:12
. 2 Cicken Wolf 2:58
. 3 Levely Meter 3:10
. 4 Round And Down 3:19
. 5 It's Never Too Late 4:07
. 6 Sleeping Dreaming 1:07
2 1 Jupiter Child 3:28
. 2 She'll Be Better 5:32
. 3 Cat Killer 1:37
. 4 Rock Me 3:45
. 5 God Fearing Man 3:55
. 6 Mongo Juice 3:01
. 7 Happy Birthday 2:16

LP (ABC Records ABCL 5255) / Spilletid 41:27

LP kvalitet: Meget god / Cover kvalitet: God / Købt brugt for 46,- kr. (Plademesse i Odense)

1969 - At Your Birthday Party

Nummer Titel Tid
1 Don't Cry 3:12
2 Cicken Wolf 2:58
3 Levely Meter 3:10
4 Round And Down 3:19
5 It's Never Too Late 4:07
6 Sleeping Dreaming 1:07
7 Jupiter Child 3:28
8 She'll Be Better 5:32
9 Cat Killer 1:37
10 Rock Me 3:45
11 God Fearing Man 3:55
12 Mongo Juice 3:01
13 Happy Birthday 2:16

CD (MCA Records MCD 01668) / Spilletid 41:27

1969 - Monster

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Monster/Suicide/America 9:16
. 2 Draft Resister 3:22
. 3 Power Play 5:27
2 1 Move Over 2:53
. 2 Fag 3:13
. 3 What Would You Do (If I did That To You) 3:23
. 4 From Here To There Eventually 5:30

LP (Dunhill DS-50066) / Spilletid 33:04

Cover kvalitet: God (Lille udsalgs hul)

1969 - Monster

Nummer Titel Tid
1 Monster/Suicide/America 9:16
2 Draft Resister 3:22
3 Power Play 5:27
4 Move Over 2:53
5 Fag 3:13
6 What Would You Do (If I did That To You) 3:23
7 From Here To There Eventually 5:30

CD (MCA Records MCAD-31328) / Spilletid 33:04

1970 - Live

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Sookie, Sookie 3:10
. 2 Don't Step On The Grass, Sam 6:07
. 2 Magic Carpet Ride 4:15
. 3 Tighten Up Your Wig 4:14
. 3 The Pusher 5:59
. 4 Born To Be Wild 5:42
2 1 Monster 9:55
. 2 Draft Resister 3:46
. 3 Power Play 5:42
3 1 Corina, Corina 3:48
. 2 Twisted 5:02
. 3 From Here To There Eventually 6:43
4 1 Hey Lawdy Mama 2:58

LP (MCA Records 250 424-1) / Live optagelse fra 1970 / Spilletid 1:07:21

LP kvalitet: Meget god / Cover kvalitet: Meget god / Købt brugt for 50,- kr. (Plademesse i Absalon Kirke)

1970 - Live

Nummer Titel Tid
1 Sookie, Sookie 3:10
2 Don't Step On The Grass, Sam 6:07
3 Tighten Up Your Wig 4:14
4 Monster 9:55
5 Draft Resister 3:46
6 Power Play 5:42
7 Corina, Corina 3:48
8 Twisted 5:02
9 From Here To There Eventually 6:43
10 Hey Lawdy Mama 2:58
11 Magic Carpet Ride 4:15
12 The Pusher 5:59
13 Born To Be Wild 5:42

Live optagelse fra 1970 / Spilletid 1:07:21

1970 - Steppenwolf 7

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Ball Crusher 4:52
. 2 Forty Days And Forty Nights 3:03
. 3 Fat Jack 4:52
. 4 Renegade 6:06
2 1 Foggy Mental Breakdown 3:54
. 2 Snowblind Friend 3:54
. 3 Who Needs Ya' 3:00
. 4 Earschplittenloudenboomer 5:00
. 5 Hippo Stomp 5:42

LP (ABC/Dunhill Records DSX 50090) / Spilletid 40:23

LP kvalitet: God / Cover kvalitet: God / Købt brugt for 43,- kr. (Plademesse i Absalon Kirke)

1970 - Steppenwolf 7

Nummer Titel Tid
1 Ball Crusher 4:52
2 Forty Days And Forty Nights 3:03
3 Fat Jack 4:52
4 Renegade 6:06
5 Foggy Mental Breakdown 3:54
6 Snowblind Friend 3:54
7 Who Needs Ya' 3:00
8 Earschplittenloudenboomer 5:00
9 Hippo Stomp 5:42

CD (MCA Records MCAD-1598) / Spilletid 40:23

1971 - For Ladies Only

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 For Ladies Only 9:19
. 2 I'm Asking 4:29
. 3 Shackles And Chains 5:00
. 4 Tenderness 4:55
2 1 The Night Time's For You 2:59
. 2 Jaded Strumpet 4:46
. 3 Sparkle Eyes 4:34
. 4 Black Pit 3:51
. 5 Ride With Me 3:26
. 6 In Hopes Of A Garden 2:12

LP (Dunhill DSX 50110) / Spilletid 45:31

LP kvalitet: Meget god / Cover kvalitet: God / Købt brugt for 100,- kr. (Plademesse i Absalon Kirke)

1971 - For Ladies Only

Nummer Titel Tid
1 For Ladies Only 9:19
2 I'm Asking 4:29
3 Shackles And Chains 5:00
4 Tenderness 4:55
5 The Night Time's For You 2:59
6 Jaded Strumpet 4:46
7 Sparkle Eyes 4:34
8 Black Pit 3:51
9 Ride With Me 3:26
10 In Hopes Of A Garden 2:12

CD (MCA Records MCAD-31354) / Spilletid 45:31

1974 - Slow Flux

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Gang War Blues 4:26
. 2 Children of Night 5:13
. 3 Justice Don't Be Slow 4:54
. 4 Get Into The Wind 2:59
. 5 Jeraboah 5:41
2 1 Straight Shootin' Woman 4:07
. 2 Smokey Factory Blues 4:12
. 3 Morning Blue 4:13
. 4 A Fool's Fantasy 3:40
. 5 Fishin' in the Dark 5:49

LP (Epic S MUM80358) / Spilletid 45:14

Cover kvalitet: OK (Skal limes)

1974 - Slow Flux

Nummer Titel Tid
1 Gang War Blues 4:26
2 Children of Night 5:13
3 Justice Don't Be Slow 4:54
4 Get Into The Wind 2:59
5 Jeraboah 5:41
6 Straight Shootin' Woman 4:07
7 Smokey Factory Blues 4:12
8 Morning Blue 4:13
9 A Fool's Fantasy 3:40
10 Fishin' in the Dark 5:49

Spilletid 45:14

1975 - Hour of the Wolf

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Caroline 4:51
. 2 Annie, Annie Over 4:09
. 3 Two for the Love of One 3:42
. 4 Just for Tonight 5:39
2 1 Hard Rock Road 3:30
. 2 Someone Told a Lie 5:03
. 3 Another's Lifetime 4:30
. 4 Mr. Penny Pincher 6:15

LP (Epic PE 33583) / Spilletid 37:39

LP kvalitet: God / Cover kvalitet: God / Købt brugt for 40,- kr. (Plademesse i DGI-byen)

1975 - Hour of the Wolf

Nummer Titel Tid
1 Caroline 4:51
2 Annie, Annie Over 4:09
3 Two for the Love of One 3:42
4 Just for Tonight 5:39
5 Hard Rock Road 3:30
6 Someone Told a Lie 5:03
7 Another's Lifetime 4:30
8 Mr. Penny Pincher 6:15

Spilletid 37:39

1976 - Skullduggery

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Skullduggery 5:17
. 2 I'm A Road Runner 3:54
. 3 Rock & Roll Song 3:09
. 4 Train Of Thought 4:43
2 1 Life Is A Gamble 3:24
. 2 Pass It On 4:46
. 3 Sleep 3:47
. 4 Lip Service 5:26

LP (Epic 81328) / Spilletid 34:26

LP kvalitet: OK / Cover kvalitet: OK / Købt brugt for 50,- kr. (Plademesse i Absalon Kirke)

1976 - Skullduggery

Nummer Titel Tid
1 Skullduggery 5:17
2 I'm A Road Runner 3:54
3 Rock & Roll Song 3:09
4 Train Of Thought 4:43
5 Life Is A Gamble 3:24
6 Pass It On 4:46
7 Sleep 3:47
8 Lip Service 5:26

Spilletid 34:26

1987 - Rock & Roll Rebels

Side Nummer Titel Tid
1 1 Give Me Life 4:23
. 2 Rock & Roll Rebels 3:59
. 3 Hold On (Never Give Up, Never Give In) 5:12
. 4 Man On A Mission 3:58
. 5 Everybody Knows You 3:17
2 1 Rock Steady (I'm Rough And Ready) 3:50
. 2 Replace The Face 3:37
. 3 Turn Out The Lights 4:49
. 4 Give Me The News I Can Use 3:42
. 5 Rage 4:21

LP (Qwil NU 1560) / Spilletid 41:08

LP kvalitet: Meget god / Cover kvalitet: OK (Lille udsalgs hak) / Brugt (Gave)

1990 - Rise & Shine

Nummer Titel Tid
1 Let's Do It All 3:58
2 Time Out 3:46
3 Do Or Die 4:06
4 Rise And Shine 4:05
5 The Wall 6:21
6 The Daily Blues 3:36
7 Keep Rockin' 4:03
8 Rock'n Roll War 7:06
9 Sign On The Line 3:45
10 We Like It, We Love It 4:53

CD (I.R.S. IRSD-82046) / Spilletid 45:39

1991 - The Best of Steppenwolf

Nummer Årstal Titel Tid
1 1968 Born to be Wild 3:33
2 1970 Snow Blind Friend 3:56
3 1969 Screaming Night Hog 3:19
4 1969 It's Never Too Late 3:04
5 1972 Move Over 2:54
6 1970 Who Needs Ya 3:00
7 1968 Magic Carpet Ride 4:27
8 1968 The Pusher 5:52
9 1969 Jupiter's Child 3:27
10 1971 For Ladies Only 3:41
11 1971 Tenderness 3:13
12 1972 Monster 3:58

CD (CR F-012) / Opsamling / Spilletid 44:24

2003 - Live In Concert

Blu-ray 4:3 5.1

2004 - Live In Louisville

Nummer Titel Tid
1 Sookie Sookie 3:44
2 Rock & Roll Rebels 4:07
3 Rock Me 3:30
4 I'm Movin' On 3:54
5 Endless Commercial 4:34
6 Hey Lawdy Ma Ma 4:06
7 Hold On 5:47
8 Ride With Me 4:26
9 She's Got The Goods 5:40
10 Hoochie Coochie Man 5:11
11 Snowblind Friend 4:53
12 Monster 9:47
13 Magic Carpet Ride 5:18
14 Born To Be Wild 7:06
15 The Pusher 8:19

DVD 4:3 5.1 / Live optagelse fra 7. oktober 2000 / Spilletid 1:20:22

11 singler med The Steppenwolf

T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1968 Born To Be Wild & Everybody's Next One - 126.m3u T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1968 Magic Carpet Ride & Sookie Sookie - 128.m3u T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1968 The Pusher & Your Wall's Too High - 133.m3u T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1969 It's Never Too Late & Happy Birthday - 130.m3u T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1969 Rock Me & Jupiter Child - 129.m3u T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1970 Snowblind Friend & Hippo Stomp - 135.m3u T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1970 Who Needs Ya' & Earschplittenloudenboomer - 134.m3u T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1971 For Ladies Only & Sparkle Eyes - 136.m3u T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1971 Ride With Me - 132.m3u T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1972 Monster & Berry Rides Again - 127.m3u

T:\Mp3Singler\Playlister\Grupper\The Steppenwolf\1972 Move Over & Power Play - 131.m3u


Musik videoer

Årstal Nummer Tid Format Album
1968 Born To Be Wild 3:28 4:3 Steppenwolf
1968 Magic Carpet Ride 4:27 4:3 The Second